Tuesday, October 30, 2012

40 Day Spiritual Growth Challenge

Bible.is - Read, Listen to, and Share the Bible Online

As I was typing up all the Information for my November fitness challenge a light bulb went on in my head...
Why not run a parallel Spiritual Growth challenge?

So again, I have not filled out my section on my Faith and Religion but I figured what better time to start a spiritual growth challenge than when I am trying to set goals for myself physically? To grow as a whole, we must feed the mind, body, and spirit. Every time you starve your physical body, it suffers and you cannot function properly. We must recognize that It is the same thing with the soul!!

 This Challenge is going to be fairly simple. I didn't want to do something that required any extra money being spent or a book people had to buy. In fact, I want to start at the Source- The Bible. I have always been one to find out what It says and research and make sure what I believe is truth and not what someone else is telling me.

Fortunately, I have a great tool which anyone who has internet can access. What makes it easy is the fact that it is an audio challenge! I found this App Called Bible.is Faith comes by Hearing and you can find it on the internet, and on android and apple operated devices. It has the whole Bible with several versions to chose from AND and audio accompaniment. Sometimes I find myself being very busy during the day so this app makes things easy cause I can listen to the Bible when I am getting ready in the morning or getting ready for bed at night.  All you have to do is search Bible is OR Faith comes by hearing on your phones, ipods, itouches or computers and you will find a maroon icon with Bible.Is written on it.I will link the site here: http://www.bible.is/ENGESV/Matt/1

The other good part about the audio aspect is I find myself paying more attention to all the details. There are certain things that you pick out with hearing something out loud that you might not necessarily catch when you are reading it to yourself. The whole story comes together in my head.

The final benefit to audio is the fact that you can go through a lot more of the Bible a whole lot faster! Did you know that if one read the Bible through  non stop it would only take 3 days? Think of how much you can get through if you really put your heart and mind into it? Each chapter really only takes 3 to 4 minutes on average!

I decided that we should start with Christ as He is the most Important part of our Christian lives. Knowing more about His walk on earth and how loving, compassionate, and forgiving He is will not only increase our faith, but encourage us to be more like Him.

The Challenge : The Bible.Is has a section with daily devotional Programs  and I have chosen the 40 Day Walk With Jesus Program to kick us off!! All you have to Listen to the Chapters allotted for each day for forty days Starting on November 1st!

The other aspect of this challenge is of course spending time in prayer meditating on the things you have heard and asking the Holy Spirit to help you apply what you heard personally in your life. That seems simple enough right?

Don't know where Programs are located? Once you open up the App go to Menu, then Programs and you should find 40 Day walk with Jesus.

If you still have trouble and you are on your computer, you could always listen to the audio on the website from there. If that is an issue as well, I will include all the chapters over here for the daily reading :) biblegateway.com is also an audio website so you can refer to the chapters below and join in.

I will come back and update this post from time to time with updates! This is a personal journey so please make an effort to advance Spiritually in your own life!  Don't hesitate to comment on this post and tell me the Awesome things God is revealing to you! God Bless :)

Days...and Chapters to be read...

1- Matt 1-6
2- Matt 8-12
3- Matt 13-18
4- Matt 19-24
5- Matt 25-28
6- Mark 1-6
7- Mark 7-11
8- Mark 12-16
9- Luke 1-4
10- Luke 5-9
11- Luke 10-13
12- Luke 14-19
13- Luke 20-24
14- John 1-5
15- John 6-9
16- John 10-14
17- John 15-19
18- John 20-Acts 4
19- Acts 5-9
20- Acts 10-15
21- Acts 16-20
22- Acts 21-26
23- Acts 27-Romans 4
24- Romans 5-10
25- Romans 11-16
26- Romans 17- I Corintians 1
27- I Corintians 10-15
28- I Corinthians 16- 2 Corinthians 5
29- 2 Corinthians 10- Galatians 2
30- Galatians 5-Ephesians 4
31- Philipians 2-Colossians 3
32- 1 Thessalonians 3- 2 Thessalonians 3
33- 1Timothy 6- Titus 1
34- Hebrews 2-7
35- Hebrews 11-James 3
36- 1 Peter 1- 2 Peter 1
37- 1 John 1- 2 John 1
38- Revelation 1-6
39- Revelation 8-13
40- Revelation 16-21

And that is the End of the challenge!! Happy listening!! or reading :)


  1. This is an awesome challenge! Kudos to you for stepping out on faith and working on your spiritual well-being! I will check out that app that you mentioned and hopefully I can join on for this challenge also!

  2. Hilow. Greetings from Jamaica.
    Nominated you for Shine On and Sunshine award http://kreamykurls.blogspot.com/2014/03/10-random-facts-and-blog-award.html
